Our Projects & Events
District 201V1-4
Local Impact . Global Causes
District and National Projects
With a membership exceeding 1.4 million, Lions and Leos are poised to catalyse meaningful change across the globe by focusing on the following 8 critical global causes. These areas of need present significant challenges to humanity, and we are committed to uniting our global service efforts to address them head-on, believing it’s our collective duty to make a positive impact.

Childhood Cancer
Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF)

Lap The Map For Diabetes

National Tree Day | Battery Recycling

Food Bank | Eat Up Australia

Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP)

Disaster Relief
Fundraising Activities for Emergency Situations

Leo Program | Cub Program | Youth Of The Year | Youth Exchange

Local Community Projects | Lions House | Keeley’s Cause
Local Events
What’s Happening Around Our District
District Convention 2023
District Leo Forum
Become a Lions Volunteer Today
Join the pride and make a difference! Become a Lion today and embark on a journey of service, compassion, and impact. Together, we can create positive change in our communities and around the world. Join us in our mission to serve – become a Lion today!
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Whether you’d like to learn more about Lions and Leos, or ready to join us! Feel free to connect with us via email or our social media platforms!

Established in 1917, Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization, boasting over 1.4 million members across 200 countries and geographical areas. Dedicated to serving communities, Lions Clubs International focuses on various humanitarian efforts such as vision care, youth programs, environmental issues, and disaster relief. Operating under the motto "We Serve," Lions members tirelessly work through volunteerism, fundraising, and advocacy to make a positive impact globally, improving lives and fostering goodwill.